Friday, June 5, 2020

world environment day

world environment day 5th juneLadies and gentlemen, have you heard about nature and biodiversity.This year when we celebrated  world environment day then we face pandemic side people think about their life and on the other hand people are  happy to see nature .I think we are responsible for this crisis.when I see the fresh water of Ganga , Yamuna and gandak then I feel like oh my god how does it afterwards I think this is blessings of nature.humans only see their own profit in everything they can't think about nature and I use the term nature and biodiversity because this is the theme of 2020 world environment day.nature are delighted and humans are frustrated in this pandemic coronavirus.this is a result of our work against nature and environment. beware humans don't want to play with nature otherwise nature play with  you one day and this is devastating for humanity . so  this is the best time to conscious  about nature and biodiversity.please humans love your nature and biodiversity and  do plantation.also I would like to say please love animals and respect them.we should spread awareness among common people and community. Be alert be attentive about nature and biodiversity  otherwise a day will come when nature destroyed all.Thankyou, Thankyou very much.