Wednesday, March 11, 2020

social media speech

Good afternoon one and all. This is Ritik Kumar. Today I will be speaking on the topic social media. When I look this topic  i can see two aspects  advantage and disadvantage .first of all I have to tell what is the social media. Social media is a platform where people interact with each other and convey their ideas, thoughts and send  videos. The first advantage of social media is in the field of education. You have any problem you go through social media  find your solutions and get satisfied.Those students are not able to go in the town for studies they use social media for study in village.people have to open for their thoughts and share any media is also give a opportunities to the people to express themselves. The also a great advantage of social media is to promote a noble work as NGO and social welfare activities.moving ahead when we talk about disadvantage of social media then first disadvantage is your privacy and addiction of social media. Your personal account means your privacy is hacked by someone and they humiliate you.And also anybody can create a false story on you and  shared on the internet which make you personal losses and you loss your self respect.The main disadvantage of social media is addiction.These days social media is as addictive as drugs . people used to social media for long time which makes body tired and loss your energy. this is very bad habit which make you mentally disturbed and loss your eyes. At last I would like to request to you to please contribute your time and energy in skill development and gaining knowledge which is beneficial for your personal development and do meditation and yoga for your physical development. Thank you, thank you very much .

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