Thursday, October 20, 2022

Unconquerable Incident

In the Mahabharata war, the Dream of Duryodhana to conquer Pandavas was an unforgettable incident. He never wanted to benefit Pandavas. He always tried to ignore Pandavas on every occasion,  but the befitting reply from Pandavas in the war was an unconquerable incident for Duryodhana.In the Ramayana, Ravana was in the ego, No one can conquer him, but after losing to Shree Ram. His arrogance has been shattered. For Ravan, losing to Ram was an unconquerable incident.
In life, we go through many incidents as conflicts with family and friends lead to disaster in our life. It might be an unconquerable incident for us. In this universe we are unique, no incident can conquer us. In the Gita lord, Krishna said, " Nothing can conquer you if your mind, body, and genitals are in control".

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